We are still very busy building up Egeria -- nagging friends around the globe for comments about the idea (you know who you are, unless I haven't nagged you yet, and then you will know who you are. . .), planning every detail of the site with our awesome web consultant Michael Linehan, writing content, and converting this blog into Wordpress -- so we can be fancy schmancy and get our info organised into something other than one looong page. Or whatever is happening here.
As of yet we still don't have a launch date -- the site is still under construction, but moving ever forward. I think I can safely say you will be able to use Egeria to plan your 2010 vacation or other travel; possibly not your 2009 ;-)
I am looking for a few good quotations to include in the official site, so if you have anything you would like to say about Egeria and your plans to use it when it goes live, please do drop me a line! Put something in the comments and I'll let you know where to send a longer piece, or just write a few lines AS a comment, and let me know that I can use it. Please remember to include your first name, city and country! Remember, it doesn't matter where you are -- somebody wants to go there.
Thanks, and as always I'll keep you posted as to our expected launch dates. Christos Aneste!
PS The photo is me a couple of weeks ago in fun, funky Fan Tan Alley here in Victoria. Our Chinatown is older than yours, Vancouver! Nyah nyah!