Who's in your corner? Comment on this post and tell us which saints are there & why. If you have originals, who painted them? What other little relics do you have, who gave them to you, and where you were when you received them? Do you use candles, oil lamps, incense -- what do you love to use, and where do you get it?
Perhaps on the Egeria website (which is looking FINE, by the way! we have been working feverishly on it every day for the last two weeks) we will have a page for your pilgrimage photos and stories, as well as your just-for-fun trips with Egeria Home and Hospitality Exchange.
Thanks for visiting, and don't forget to tell us about your icon corner
See also Owl-light Studio blog (link to the right) for a different (hmm-- more intimate?) post about our home icon corner. . .